Memes and "mildly interesting" images/videos are not allowed. We do not support, condone, or assist with piracy. "How can I get background vocals like this song at 1:05?") You cannot post a new thread with your own music, ever. You may only post music from established artists outside of the weekly pinned threads to ask specific production related questions (e.g. Do not create a new thread to brag about your stream count/revenue/recent playlist placement post about these in the Promotion thread. The weekly Quick Questions thread is the only place to ask basic Googleable questions like definitions or "DAE (does anyone else)" posts, as well as general questions about how to make specific sounds and what type of gear/software to use. The weekly Collaboration thread is the only place to collaborate on music, mixing, videos, or anything else.
The weekly Feedback thread is the only place to get feedback on your music, your mixing, your videos, or anything else. The weekly Promotion thread is the only place you can direct people toward your music or your work.
You must place these posts in the relevant recurring thread only. If you post a new thread for promotion, feedback, collaboration, or questions about what you should buy or use, you will be banned without warning. This subreddit has weekly threads for Promotion, Feedback, Collaboration, and Quick Questions. We expect that all posters read the rules before posting or commenting.
WeAreTheMusicMakers (WatMM) is a subreddit for hobbyists, professional musicians, and enthusiasts to discuss making music.